There are many things that parents want out of their children; one of those things is honesty. But sometimes being honest with your parents can be a little too much.
Just recently LeBron James passed Michael Jordan on the all-time playoff assist list, which is quite an accomplishment.
However, this accomplishment doesn’t seem to impress LeBron’s son one bit.
During Tuesday nights Cavs/Celtics game. TNT reporter Rachel Nichols reported that LeBron’s son brought up the fact that his father couldn’t beat MJ “in much of anything else”
Sure, that fact maybe true, but I doubt LeBron really wanted to hear that coming from the one person that he brought into this world.
Rachel brought up this to LeBron in a post-game interview, and LeBron responded with and said “Hopefully, I can continue to make him proud, continue to be a leader, be a role model, be the father for my kids and give them a road map to success.”
I think we can all attest that LeBron handled that question like a champ considering that he was told something that he didn’t want to hear, especially coming from his own flesh and blood.
It’s no secret that people have raised the question: Is LeBron better than Michael? People of this generation will most likely say LeBron is the better man. Many people that grew up in the 80’s and 90’s will probably side with Michael. So, who do I believe is the better man? I’m going to be honest, I don’t think it is fair to compare the two.
Since I grew up in the late 80’s and grew up watching Michael Jordan play, I’m going to be the guy that is taking Michael’s side on this. Don’t get me wrong, I like LeBron too. I can’t deny that he isn’t a great player, but we are talking about two different players with two different styles of play.
When you watched MJ play with his reign with the Bulls, you can see that Michael played ferociousness, especially when it came to playoff time. He was constantly active on both sides of the ball with such constant expenditure of energy. His killer instinct had to be well respected, but we all can attest that he had such confidence in which could be mistaken for being cocky, and why shouldn’t he come off “cocky”? Remember that foul shot he made with his eyes closed during a playoff game to mock Dikembe Mutombo? Cocky? Perhaps. But if you want to call that cocky, I’ll give the exception to Michael. He has earned the right to be “cocky”.
No matter what, you saw Michael try his damndest to be the guy to win the game for his team. He just had that instinct about himself that he wanted the game in his hands every single game in and game out. That’s what I liked about him. He made mistakes and every game, his teammates made mistakes and you saw him get in their faces about it. He just cared that much about winning the game. He wanted to be the greatest ever.
LeBron, on the other hand, isn’t trying to be the greatest. I believe he is trying to be the perfect player.
LeBron could possibly come off as being lazy throughout the game. I can see where people can get that idea. But I believe he is just taking a step back, and letting the game come to him. He is figuring out for the majority of the game how to win.
If he shoots at all, in his mind, it is the perfect shot. If you see him passing the ball, in his mind, it is the perfect pass. If you see him in a passing lane, in his mind, it is the perfect opportunity to create a turnover. He is simply studying the angles of the game and how to create a perfect opportunity for anything. Case and point: Game 6 of the 2013 NBA Finals. Yeah Ray Allen made that 3 wide 5 seconds left, but look at who passed it to him? LeBron. LeBron saw the pass, the perfect pass, and took full advantage of it.
It’s been a debate ever since Michael retired back in ’98 who is going to be his successor. Let’s face it, there isn’t going to be a successor to Jordan. Michael is Michael, and LeBron is LeBron. Two different styles of players they are. Michael couldn’t be his successor when he came back and played for the Wizards. Maybe when LeBron went to the Heat it looked like he was going to be the closest to Michael, but you can tell he isn’t trying to be Michael. He is just being LeBron.
The post Kids Say The Darndest Things, Don’t They? appeared first on More Than a Fan.